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Product tags
Conversion Kit BAJAJ e-ignition
incl. stator plate, ignition coil, CDI, flywheel
Product description
The easiest way to convert your scooter to electronic ignition is to use an ignition conversion kit. A more constant ignition charge together with all other advantages of an electronic ignition, it is virtually maintenance free and provides more power for your lighting needs, so improving your passive traffic safety. This conversion kit for Vespa Sprint/VBB/VNB/GL stands out with an unbeatable value-for-money and so represents the low budget alternative to high end CDI ignition kits. The usual BAJAJ quality can be expected. The stator plate may need extra mounting holes to fit your crankcase mounting threads.
Electronic ignition is an essential part of any tuned motor. These conversion kits are a value-for-money alternative to PARMAKIT/SIP Performance Ignition Systems. -TIP: If you are converting a 6 V Vespa model, do not forget to order 12 V bulbs all-round. You will also require a conversion wiring loom with suitable switches and possibly a new crankshaft with a suitable end-profile to accept the flywheel.
SIP Community user ,Fleming’ (about art. no. 5002500):
“A really great kit. But don
t forget a regulator and 12V bulbs”
SIP Community user ,luca’ (about art. no. 5002500):
“Good kit. All the components are fine and of good quality.”
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