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Cylinder Locks steering lock CLAUSOR, BARCELONA
l 30 mm
upper collar: 4.3mm, rear: 8mm, with key number
Product description
Steering locks or lock cylinders are inexpensive standard spare parts for your Vespa. No matter if you lost the key or the lock is rusty
our high quality cylinders are a decent replacement. These cylinders locks can be used on the steering lock. They are available with a metal or plastic key cap. Due to the different lengths that are required we have divided our cylinders locks into three different sizes. A designates the complete length, B the collar at the top, and C the rear collar. A cylinder that is too long would stick out, a rear collar that is too small would not reach the steering column or the key bolt, with a front collar that is too wide, the cylinder will not fit in the steering column. We specify standard use, but recommend a comparison with the key cylinder. This is how to err on the side of caution! We also describe in detail how to take the measurement and how the cylinder can be removed if the key is lost. The scope of supply includes a key cylinder and a pair of keys. -TIP: Don t forget the matching steering lock cover and rivets!